Module 3: Understanding Your Own Biases
Module 3: Understanding Your Own BiasesLesson 2: What is the IAT?
Lesson 2: What is the IAT?Lesson 3: Learn Your Biases (IAT)
Lesson 3: Learn Your Biases (IAT)Take the IAT!
- You can find out your own biases by taking an implicit association test at:
- All tests are free and take roughly 5 minutes
- Try taking 2–3 tests and reflect on your results
Lesson 4: Understanding Your Results
Lesson 4: Understanding Your ResultsModule 3: Recap and Quiz
Module 3: Recap and Quiz- There are two main ways in which we measure implicit bias. We can understand our biases through examinations of our behavior and by looking at how our brain is activated through the use of imaging technology.
- One of the most utilized behavioral assessments of implicit bias is the Implicit Association Test (IAT), which measures if there are positive or negative attitudes toward a particular concept or social group.
- You can better understand your own biases by taking the IAT, available at
- It is important to reflect on your results. Consider how your background and personal experiences may have impacted your results.